Take advantage of money you’re already spending by turning a portion of it into a donation to Colorado Pet Pantry! Make Colorado Pet Pantry your charity of choice for your King Soopers or City Market Card.

- Log into your Account by clicking the link above. If you do not have an account, create one now. Be sure to enter in all your details.
- Once your account is created, you can link to our organization. Type Colorado Pet Pantry or EF482 in the search bar and click “Enroll”.
- That’s it! You’re done! ~ THANK YOU!
King Soopers & City Market are committed to helping communities grow and prosper. Non-profits like Colorado Pet Pantry have the chance to earn a significant amount of money through the King Soopers & City Market Community Rewards Program.
King Soopers & City Market Community Rewards makes fundraising easy…all you have to do is shop and swipe your SooperCard (or enter Alt ID)!
Once signed in, you can enroll or update your Community Rewards account under your Account Settings.