Pet Food Bank – 2023 Holiday Schedules

We have several pet food banks coming up in December and January, that have been moved from their regularly scheduled dates. Below is a list of pet food banks that have been rescheduled. We will update this list with any changes that may occur. If your pet food bank is NOT on this list, please assume it will take place on its regularly scheduled date.


  • Greeley – January 8th – this pet food bank will take place one week later at Weld Food Bank, 1108 H Street, from 9AM-11AM
  • Swansea, Denver – January 9th – this pet food bank will take place one week later at Bruce Randolph School, 3955 Steele St, Denver from 1PM-3PM
  • Lamar – January 11th – this pet food bank will take place one week later at Lamar Animal Shelter, 8551 County Road EE.5, from 12PM-2PM
  • Alamosa – January 15th – this pet food bank will take place two week later at Alamosa County Fairgrounds, 8784 Old Sanford Rd, from 12PM-2PM

Bayfield Pet Food Bank – Rescheduled to Oct 30th

Hello Bayfield Pet Food Bank Clients,

This pet food bank has been rescheduled this month to Monday, October 30th at the normal time. 

We will distribute pet food from 11am to 1pm on October 30th at Pine River Shares, 658 S East Street in Bayfield. 

You are welcome to come every other month, so you are able to get food in October if you did NOT receive food in September.

Thank you, 

Colorado Pet Pantry

Lamar Animal Shelter Pet Food Bank – New Day of Month

Hello Lamar Pet Food Bank Clients,

This pet food bank has been permanently moved to take place on the first Thursday of every other month. The first pet food bank on this new day will be November 2nd, from 12-2PM.

We will distribute pet food at the Lamar Animal Shelter, 8551 CR EE.5 in Lamar. This pet food bank takes place in the odd numbered months, so January, March, May, July, September and November.

Thank you, Colorado Pet Pantry

Interview – How to Help Colorado Pet Pantry

A huge thank you to Kathy Sabine at 9News for interviewing Colorado Pet Pantry Founder and Executive Director, Eileen Lambert, about the current challenges facing Colorado Pet Pantry and pet owners across the state.

Here is a list of actions you can take to help support our organization as we strive to assist pet owners across the state with their pet food needs.