People and pets need each other most when times are hard.
2022 has been hard on so many. We haven’t increased locations this year because we grew so much in 2020-2021 to meet the increased need during the pandemic. But, just at our existing 103 pet food bank locations, we’ve seen more than 15% more people coming to our pet food banks in the past year.
A donation of any size can help make a huge and immediate difference in someone’s life… and can make an even bigger impact if you schedule it in the next 3 days. All donations made through Colorado Gives’ platform before midnight on December 6th are partially matched– thanks to the $1.4 Million Plus Incentive Fund created to help support Colorado nonprofits.

A donation of any size helps people like Christina get through tough times. “My relationship with the Colorado Pet Pantry started through the relationship my mother established with them. About 10 years ago, our family cat (Grimlin) had to undergo a major surgery called a Cystotomy for bladder stones. Bladder stones are actually a common ailment in domesticated cats. They form from certain components that are found in regular cat foods among other factors.
Colorado Pet Pantrystarted through the relationship my mother established with them. About 10 years ago, our family cat (Grimlin) had to undergo a major surgery called a Cystotomy for bladder stones. Bladder stones are actually a common ailment in domesticated cats. They form from certain components that are found in regular cat foods among other factors.
After Grimlin’s Cystotomy, he was put on a strict prescription food diet. As some of you may know, prescription pet food is very expensive. My mom, who is physically disabled due to an injury she sustained at work years ago, did an amazing job caring for all three of our family cats, but being able to afford the prescription food was just too much. She found the Colorado Pet Pantry, and they immediately ensured she had a monthly supply of both wet and dry prescription cat food every month. My direct relationship with Colorado Pet Pantry started about 4 years ago after I saved a set of twin boy cats (Anubis and Sphynx) from an abusive and neglectful home. Shortly after taking them into my care, Sphynx started having the same symptoms that Gremlin did and had to undergo a Cystotomy as well. He was placed on the same prescription diet, and I was relieved because I knew immediately where to turn. At the time I was in college full-time and only working part-time, so my financial situation wasn’t ideal for being able to afford what he needed. As soon as I reached out to the Colorado Pet Pantry, I received the same wonderful treatment and was quickly provided with the prescription pet food I needed for Sphynx on a regular basis. Sadly, both Grimlin and Sphynx have crossed the rainbow bridge recently, but their lives were extended greatly because of what Colorado Pet Pantry was able to do for us. The impact that Colorado Pet Pantry has made, and continues to make on our lives is a true blessing. Every interaction I’ve had with people associated to the Colorado Pet Pantry, have been ones filled with compassion and true kindness. Whether the need is for very specific prescription food, regular food, or even supplies and enrichment tools, the Colorado Pet Pantry will make sure they provide what you and your pets need. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Colorado Pet Pantry for what you do for us and our pets.”

Watch this video from our volunteer and former client, Dianne. Dianne started volunteering with us about six or seven years ago. She was getting food for herself at a human food bank when she discovered our services and was so grateful that she decided she wanted to give back… watch here.
Join us and other animal lovers across Colorado in coming together to support the nonprofits that make a difference in our lives. We would be so grateful if you would consider making an amplified donation to Colorado Pet Pantry to help us keep pets with their loving families.

~ Your friends at Colorado Pet Pantry