Please help us by volunteering for this event!
We’ve been invited to pour drinks at the Highlands Street Fair in Denver. All tips will be donations to the Colorado Pet Pantry. Besides pouring drinks you’ll tell attendees about the Colorado Pet Pantry and get them excited to dig deep into their wallets to help the pet food bank. This will be a VERY fun event. Please do not bring your dog.
The fair is at Highland Square, West 32nd Ave in Denver. There are different shifts, feel free to sign up for one – or both! Thank you for helping Colorado Pet Pantry. 🙂
Help us by volunteering for this event!
For 24 years, The Denver Arts Festival has dedicated itself to supporting Colorado visual artists while showcasing a select group of national artists. The Festival is on Memorial Day Weekend, May 27th & 28th at Conservatory Green at Central Park. The fine art and fine craft exhibition features over 150 of Colorado’s best artists along with a select group of national artists with an attendance of over 40,000.
Join Colorado Pet Pantry and raise money for pets-in-need at The Denver Arts Festival this year. We will staff the beverage area, ticket sales, and tents. In return, our charity will receive profits from every beverage sold at this festival. We have several shifts to sign up for, so please sign up for whatever works for you! But know that if you need to cancel, please do so ASAP as we rely on our volunteers to make this happen.
Thank you!